Sunday, July 26, 2009

Responding to handwriting tag!

I don't like writing by hand - I even type my shopping lists! It's not that my handwriting is too bad, but because I usually make too many mistakes and then I have to cross out...! If I have to write anything by hand for Tamerin (other than a list of her homework in her homework diary) I write with pencil, so that I can at least rub out my mistakes.
I don't normally hold my pen correctly, and had to force myself to do it while I was still teaching pre-school. A teacher must (darem) set an example! I cannot write fast and neatly, but Jan can. He writes longhand and it is always very neat and correct! He holds his pen in the correct way - he must have had a better Grade 1 teacher than I had! (Come to think of it, in Grade 1 he was homeschooled by his aunt on the farm!)
When I started teaching, I made placards for the classroom using coins as stencils. I was very chuffed with my efforts - but they were big efforts nonetheless! Today's teachers just use the Grade 1 font!


retha said...

After all said I think you have a pleasant on the eye, neat handwriting.

Sandra said...

Baie leesbare handskrif Miekie. Dankie vir die saamspeel!

Muriel said...

Baie mooi handskrif!!!

Nimsi se Blog said...

Dankie Miekie vir die saamspeel... en ja, hulle se mos "n boer maak n plan" ek dink ons handskrif foto's het heel goed gekom! Wil Jan nie ook vir ons sy handskrif wys nie?

mariki said...

Mieks, jy hoef nie te tik nie; g'n niks fout met wat ek hier sien nie!

Sal weer probeer om my handskrifpossie terug te sit.

mariki said...

My "aan-aan" handskrifpossie is daar net ná die ene oor Kalispell, Miekie.

Thelwyn said...

Hi Ma, ek het my username onthou, so kan nou weer inlog en comments los! Wanneer blog ma oor kleine Jolga en Joris?! Love ma lots

Charmaine said...

Hi Miekie,
Ek dink ons skryf nogals so bietjie eenders... :-) Wat dink jy? Ek kan elke wooord lees...

Desire Fourie said...

Dankie dat jy jou baie netjies handskrif met ons gedeel het ... definitief 'n teken van 'n perfeksionis.
Mooi bly.