I nearly forgot all about it! But we duly switched off all the lights. Jan watched rugby and I phoned my sister Elsabe. It is her birthday today. We had a lovely long chat....
Meanwhile in the bathroom (yes all these books are in the bathroom) the red candle leaked and made a horrible mess... there are little spots of wax on the acrylic carpet. How am I going to get rid of the wax on the mat? I can't iron it as I tried that before on an acrylic carpet and still sit with a scorched mark! Hope I can brush it off, but haven't the guts to do it today!
There are heaps of washing and there were unmentionables in the tupper cupboard, so late last night - after earth hour - Jan washed all the tupperware while I first cleaned out the cupboard and hunted you know what and then started to dry said tupperware.... It took me quite a while to sort out all the lids etc and repack the cupboard.
When I lifted the empty candle holder this morning, I saw that it made a horrible mess of the diary in which I record my weight - glad I have not set the house on fire!
Moral of the story: save electricity, but watch your candles!! If you burn down the house, you'll send even more earth warming gasses into the air than the burning light bulbs would have!
PS. Hendrik made the most of earth hour: he went to Goodland to watch stars with "sterrekundiges".
Miekie, lomp Muriel het my toon lelik seergemaak in die donker!! whahaha
Maar soos dit vir my gelyk het was ons omtrent die enigste wat die ding gedoen het, hier waar ek bly!
Wel elke bietjie help nê!
Lekker week vir julle
x x
Hi Miek, I love your blog and check it a few times a week, just love hearing about your lives. I left a comment on your 'X' segment, it was hilarious. So sorry to hear about Hendrik's car. You have got me very inspired with housewor and after putting it off for ages I cleaned all the windows today!! I want to try your brass cleaning recipe as well, you don't give the amount of hot water?? Please could you let me know?
Ek voel dit moet 'n leefwyse wees dat mens net ligte aansit wanneer jy dit gebruik en nie elke dag die huis verlig nie. As een uur per jaar kan help, dink net hoeveel kan een uur per dag help. Maar soos Muriel se elke bietjie help.
Die ligte in my huis... wat teen 'n baie hoe dak sit, blaas so gereeld ek spaar baie krag. Ek het ook so kers storie. My dogter het by kerslig gebad en nie die kerse doodgeblaas nie en toe ek weer sien en ruik, was die stort gordyne al heeltemal gesmelt en het die vlamme teen die dak gelek lek. Ek het my so doodgeskrik.
Hi Muriel
Tammy se hulle het ook ligte afgeskakel, maar ek dink sy het toe al geslaap...
Hi Lynne
Good to hear from you! Thanks for your comments. Alta's mother says about a basin full of water in a plastic container - I make just enough for what I need i.e. you use "some" water. I certainly have not got round to windows yet. Dread the moment and it is pretty imminent!
Hi Sandra
Ek probeer in die spaargewoonte kom, maar het groot geword in 'n huis met 'n Ouma wat nie goed kon sien nie en donkerte nie kon verdra nie...
Hi Charmaine
Ja ek is nou maar versigtig vir die kerse... En ons wil vir ons paasspel volgende Donderdagaand hier op die plaas heelwat kerse gebruik. Hoop ons brand nie die plek af nie - hier is BAIE droe gras...
Ja nee, dis nou 'n ding, kerse kan meer gevaarlik wees as aan ligte. Dankie vir waarskuwing. Mooi bly
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