On Friday, the L's came to visit after work. Jan was still away on a "bosberaad" (planning session for the work) and only came later. In the meantime, we enjoyed the glorious autumn weather (late summer really) and played with Franco outside. He is now 11 months.
He is very interested in Jakkie, our 10 year old Labrador. She is very friendly, but a bit lively and not too clever when it comes to babies. She still has to learn not to lick him in the face!
His dad put him in a tree and he drooled from enjoyment or is it apprehension? It was quite high and the trunk felt rough.
After supper we absconded to our bedroom/ T.V. room. Here Gert and Hendrik are fascinated by......
"Noot vir Noot" - a "How well do you know music" competition programme. A friend of Gert and Dorette's, Andre Opperman, took part in the competition. He is the one with the green shirt. He came 2nd.
Meanwhile Franco had a ball climbing all over Oupa.
Oupa your tummy is just right for standing up.
Jan is very ticklish and of course Franco gave his tummy a drooly kiss. Jan shrieked and Franco couldn't quite make out what was so funny.
Franco is going places..... "Ouma se klim en klouterkous!"
He quickly pulls himself up on the bannister above our bed and just about hangs from it from his little arms. Will he be a gymast like his mother has been?
Or perhaps a dentist? Oupa has a very fascinating mouth...!
What interesting thing is this?
Franco tried out the treadmill and soon caught on what it is all about. We did not switch on the machine but took turns in moving the "conveyor" belt. Quite hard work.
Oupa's turn to give Franco crawling exercise.
The engineer in Franco soon discovered the treadmill's bolt. Ever since he was a tiny baby, he has been very interested in hinges, electrical plugs, screwdrivers, bolts etc. Dorette says he now makes his swing stop by holding on to the sides!
The blue mark under his eye? No his parents are not baby batterers. Before we went to play outside, Franco tried to crawl onto our couch, slipped and bashed his little face against the wooden leg. Sorry Franco! (He succeeded in crawling onto the couch right after the accident and happily stood there looking out the window - that's why we went outside instead.)
Bedtime! Last smile for the camera! (In the background is a very exciting 20/20 cricket match between South Africa and Australia. South Africa won of course, but it was quite nail biting! Morne Morkel saved S.A.)
Is this blog going to become a household tip blog? I hope not but I was so thrilled about our "new" way of defrosting the freezer that I have to share this tip (Hendrik's idea) with you.
How to defrost your freezer
Get an attractive young right brain young man to help.
Unpack everything (just check that your right brain chap does not forget to put the ice cream in a cooler.)
Put a fan on a table in front of the freezer and go and have a cup of coffee. (Sorry, Rooibos tea - Hendrik says coffee is bad for you.)
Suck up water and loose ice with the vacuum cleaner. Keep fan going until the freezer is dry. (It dries it much better than a cloth!)
This was a quickest, easiest and by far least messy operation ever. I really recommend this method. I just wonder... How many people still have upright freezers that need defrosting? We have this separate stand upright one, a 3o year old refridgerator with a freezing compartment on top and a chess freezer and Hendrik and I cleaned all three of them all this morning! (End of household work for the day! The rest has to wait.)
I couldn't resist placing a photo showing what an excellent son I have. He has very creative ideas and is always willing to help. Maybe a certain someone will read this blog one day and know just how special he is...! We hope to meet her soon.
Franco on the treadmill.
Dalk moet ek my treadmill ook so aandurf..:-) moeder dis te dierbaar. Die kleinman is defnitief 'n toekomstige ingenieur. Ons hou die vondering met belangsteling dop.. Herfs /April is die mooiste beste tyd van die jaar. Ai ek wens ek was by die huis. Maar dan het ons gisteraand die heerlikste bui reen gehad en dis 'n wonderlike vars Sondagoggend
Hi Ma - dit was 'n vreeslike lekker kuier Vrydag-aand! :-)
Franco het so sy go uitgespeel - hy het Sat-oggend 'n uur langer as gewoontlik geslaap.
En ons is net so nuuskierig oor die "certain someone" ;-)
Ja nee die mannetjie raak groot en soveel beroepsgeleenthede alreeds :-). Ek het al groot mense ook so op die treadmill gesien en dit was nie uit vrye keuse nie.
Te oulik!
Die vrieskas idee klink baie goed. Ons het n OU yskas vrieskas. Ek ontwyk altyd die ontvriesing so lank moontlik. Later is daar sulke blokke ys wat igloos can bou. Hoewel ek nie die jong man ingredient het nie sal ek maar myself of die ouer man inspan.
Dalk sal die klein mannetjie wil help.
Ons sit reg vir die volgende Pro Twenty.
Ek onthou nou net ek hat nie eers gedink aan Hendrik se moeilikheid.
So jammer om te hoor van die motor en ander besittings. Kon jul iets uitrig met die medikasie?
Ons hou so baie van van Jaarsveld (die ander ook)het hom gesien in n warm up teen India in Potch. Hy kan ook 'blitz'
Hi Charmaine
Hier raak dit nou al weer 'n bietjie droog - ons was so bederf met lekker reen die somer dat ons al vergeet dat 'n mens soms 'n tuinslang moet uithaal!
Hi Dorette
Ons is 'n spesiale familie ne? Sien uit na die vakansie
Hi Sandra
Franco inpireer ons weer om die wit olifant te gebruik... ek was "once upon a time" baie fluks, maar is deesdae maar luierig...! As ek nie oppas nie kruip ek ook op die ding soos Franco.
Hi Retha
Die krieket was darem lekker ne - maar moes hulle 'n mens eers so laat sweet? Jammer tog van die Lions - om nie van die Bulls se treurmare te praat nie!
Dankie vir die ondersteuning - Jan dink Hendrik maak 'n fout en dat sy medikasie in sy kamer in Pta is. Hoop maar so.
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