Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ouma has tasty hands

Yesterday I went over to Dorette's again. Her fever is under control, but her nose is running for the cup. Franco was not really better. He still needed Calpol every 6 hours to keep the fever down. Anyway we did the usual activities to make him feel better and we were rewarded with smiles and a runny nose. While he was in his swing, he started to play with the toys on his tray of own accord. This was something new!

When I held him on my lap, he started chewing my fingers - and I mean really chew! If he had teeth, it would have hurt! He went from finger to finger and really seemed to relish them: fortunately my hands were really clean because I had just washed them with Dettol soap and put on some water free Dettol gel.

I washed my hands again before leaving and back home washed them again and put on a clean T-shirt before I held Martelize. I wanted to show Thelwyn how Franco chewed on my hands and held Martelize in the same way. (She sits quite sturdily for a 2 month old - no floppy head!) And guess what! Martelize started chewing my hand as well.

1 comment:

Thelwyn said...

Hulle is dan familie! Moet seker sekere ooreenkomste toon:)