Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Update on the Sick Family

I had to be at Dorette's at 7:00 this morning because she had an important meeting. When she came back at 10:30, she had a high temperature and she was feeling really miserable. Franco was also still feverish. I took them to a "new" doctor: she turned out to be sympathetic and even wrote on Dorette's sick leave certificate that she had "influenza - very ill". Franco had a viral infection - unlike Dorette, he did not need antibiotics. He slept a lot this afternoon, and by late afternoon, he was cheerful and played happily on his mat. His new trick is to hold onto the lion's leg and wave it about. We also went outside and he held a smooth pebble in his tiny hand.
Franco on the mend: playing with is lion.
Franco looking at the mobile above his cot. He slept quite a bit in his cot today - I think he is catching up on lost sleep. The photo of his bed is meant for a picture book of all his things: bottle, toys, clock etc.

1 comment:

Dorette said...

Dankie nogmaals vir al Ma se hulp en bystand die laaste week! Ek weet nie wat ons sonder ons Ouma Miekie sou gedoen het nie!