Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ethie's birthday

Today we went to Goodland to celebrate our cousin Ethie's birthday. It was a lovely warm Spring day and so good to see the "other" family again!

Before we went, the children came with the precious babies and they had to queue to use the nappy changing mat! I tried to get Franco to show off his sitting progress, but he was not too interested in sitting today. But I managed a snap! His leopard crawling today was more "swimming" than crawling, but I had great fun lying on my tummy and watching his surprised little face, face to face.

Martlize's pram had broken - again! She is 5 weeks old and they have hardly ever used it! They are getting a replacement on Tuesday. In the meantime Thelwyn makes do with the baby carrier Frans's mother had given her. Martelize has started to smile and Thelwyn, Frans and I all took turns in trying to capture the smile on camera. Great fun.Thank you Lord for our precious babies and the fun and joy they bring. Thank you for Hendrik and all the coffee he makes!

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