It was niece Urielle's first birthday the other day- and great fun to see the three "cousins" together again. They had great time - and so had we.
Ouma Lalie made sure there were enough push toys for everyone. Franco particularly liked this pram.
Urielle wasn't quite walking yet, but she easily pushed around this wagon.
Urielle enjoying her cow birthday cake.
Our two one year old guests watching the candle blowing intently.
Martelize couldn't wait to also tuck into the birthday cake.
Franco wasn't so much interested in the cake, but the BALLOON! He quickly ripped off the balloon from his chair and was far more interested in the balloon than the yummy goodies on the table.
Urielle opening her presents. Her baby sister is due in a month's time.
At first Martelize wanted to help to open the presents, but then she decided climbing into this crate of toys was more interesting.
Franco's only interest in the toy opening was when his uncle put in the screws of a new toy for Urielle. Screwdrivers are very interesting! However, he soon went off exploring the big garden and climbed on everything in sight.
Thelwyn had to go to another function and left Martelize in Dorette's and my care. Martelize, uncharacteristically took a fancy in a teenage guest and wanted to be on her lap for ... well for a long time. However, when I later walked past them, she held out her arms for her Ouma. (Sy het ons darem nog nie afgeskryf nie!)
Gelukkige verjaarsdag Urielle! Mag God jou seen!
'n Heerlike verjaarsdagviering! Die kinders is te oulik.
Ek is baie beindruk met jou Russiese toer beskrywings, dit lyk na iets wat mens op jou lys van "moet gaan sien, DV natuurlik" kan sit.
Ja nee die kleingoed het hulsef definitief gate uit geniet. Urielle is to pragtig. Eks mal oor daardie antieke stootwaentjie.
Mooi bly.
Dis darem lekker dat die niggies en nefie so saam kan groot word en speel. Jou twee kleinkinders word so groot Miekie.
Interessant hoe elke kleintjie iets anders vind wat hom/haar amuseer né?! Hulle is tog te oulik en ek glo hulle hou die mammas en oumas seker goed besig! :-)
The children are adorable! They are growing up so quickly. Glad to hear you had such a wonderful trip. Always enjoy your blog and it's a wonderful way to keep up with what is happening in SA.
Hi Desia
Rusland is beslis iets om op jou lys te sit!
Hi Desire
Ek hou ook van die ou stootwaentjie - en die kinders ook. As ek na sommige moderne babagoed kyk, dink ek nie dit was juis 'n verbetering nie! Mis bv. die eenvoudige ou tuitbekertjies met 'n swaar bodem van lankal.
Hi Sandra
Ja, hulle word gou groot - en by die dag ouliker met die nuwe dingetjies wat hulle doen en woordjies wat hulle se.
Hi Thea
God maak elke mens darem wonderlik - en sy/ haar eie identiteit kom vroeg al na vore. Ons het hierdie naweek vir Martelize opgepas. Sy was baie soet, maar ons het omtrent gehardloop om seker te maak sy is veilig!
Hi Lynne
Great to hear from you. Will check your blog for your TRIP! Hear you had a good time.
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