Sunday, September 13, 2009

"From Russia with Love".... we're back!

We're back from Russia, but not quite back to blogging yet. I am still sorting out thousands of pics! We took two cameras, so choosing pics takes longer than usual. We plan to have a Russia evening and I wish I had worked out the whole moviemaker versus Power Point thing before we left. Once I have the pictures a bit more organised, I'll blog some - or maybe I must have a separate blog devoted to the TRIP!

The trip to Russia was FANTASTIC! We can really recommend the Huisgenoot/ You tours. Everything was well organised and it was a very relaxing and stress free holiday. It was a cruise from St Petersburg to Moscow and there were 37 South Africans in our group.

A boat just like ours, leaving St Petersburg. We started our trip with (only) one day in St Petersburg. St Petersburg is supposed to be the Venice of the North, but it reminded me more of Paris.

St Petersburg is a beautiful city and the highlight was the visit to the Hermitage (Winter Palace). The hermitage is home to over 3 million works of art. All these treasures were evicted to Siberia during the 2nd World War. St Petersburg (then Leningrad) was in siege for 900 days... terrible suffering.... but that's another story.

Me, standing in front of Rembrandt's Prodigal Son. We had special interest in this picture after reading Henry Nouwen's "The Prodigal Son" - thanks Anne for recommending and lending this book to us!

We had a delightful little cabin - it reminded us a bit of our caravan holidays. The fact that we could unpack our cases completely and only needed to repack the morning we left again, added to the bliss of this holiday- I am totally sold on cruises and will go on one any day again!

Our tiny bathroom. To shower, you just had to shield off the toilet with the curtain and hook the shower to the wall - an excellent use of space.

We became very good friends with our dining table companions, Maria and Gert. Maria is a teacher and Gert an artist and cartoonist. All our meals were included and I gained nearly 2 kg - but it could have been worse. The Russians eat a lot of vegetables - there was even cucumber in the breakfast array. Dessert was often just fruit.

In the evenings there were music performances and dancing - no one else danced, but Jan and I danced a little one evening. (If we had practised a bit before we went, we would have danced more, but we were a bit shy and the music wasn't quite the langarmsokkie that we are used to.)

However, we loved the folk music and bought the C.D. Later on in the tour we had Russian language classes and learnt to sing Kalinka - one of the songs on the C.D. and as Russian as you get. We also did some group dances: basic line and circle dances and the men (Jan included) did a spoon dance. It was great fun. In a way I wish I were still an ordinary teacher - I would certainly have taught those dances to my class!

Dances to remember:
  • Move in a circle and hold on to one another's ears/ knees / noses etc. Very funny.
  • Hold hands with a partner like "Suikerbos" and next couple "dives" in and hold up hands for next couple and so on... Let the movement of couples moving under the hands of the rest flow. (I guess this doesn't make sense, but at least this "description" will help me remember it...!)
  • Spoon dance: Hold two spoons so that they can tap like castenjets and all tap different parts of the body at the same time.

Spoon "dance" directed by our Russian tour leader, Olga.

Sunrise on the first day of sailing. The beauty of the cabin was the large outside window -this pic was taken through our window.

Jan, ready for our first excursion after St Petersburg. We had lovely weather right through and never once wore our winter coats or gloves or scarves!

Our first stop was Mandrogi - an artificial "old" town - something like Pilgrimsrust. It was a bit touristy and not really our thing, but the picnic food was great....

Russian barbecue: We had a huge succulent grilled chicken kebab, stirfried potato with onion and mushrooms and lots of salads. (Plenty of cabbage and plenty of cucumber). The potato was delicious - I have since tried my own version at home and although it looked like a train smash, it was a hit with the family.

It was interesting to see how delicately they hand paint Matreschka dolls. Guess what we bought at the souvenir shop....! Other beautiful souvenirs were pashminas and lacquer boxes. I do not want to0 much clutter in my house, so rather settled for the pashminas. Jan and I couldn't be bothered to even taste vodka. We are not all that into drinking. There was also a lot of fur to be bought here, there and everywhere, but real fur is definitely not my thing!

Back on board, we enjoyed the weather and the view and sat on the deck. A Danish passenger tried to teach me to knit her way. I loved sitting on the deck knitting a blanket for Kleintjie (Franco's expected sibling) and was rather surprised by the attention my knitting attracted. I am an inexperienced, clumsy knitter, but am no longer shy to knit in public - let them giggle all they want to, I enjoy myself and will not be intimidated like when I was young!

The sun set round 21:00 and it was full moon. How lucky can one get?

Enough for now.... More to come!


Desia said...

Dit lyk of dit 'n heerlike reis was! Bly julle het dit geniet en is veilig terug.

Muriel said...

Wow!!! Welkom terug en dankie vir hierdie bederf inskrywing. Kan nie wag om nog foto's te sien nie.

Sandra said...

Welkom terug. Dit lyk asof dit een groot fees was en ek sien uit daarna om die res ook te lees.

Thelwyn said...

Baie bly julle is terug! Baie verlang. Jammer die plaas lyk nie meer soos toe julle vertrek het nie.... Lief vir julle baie

Thelwyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Adelaide Dupont said...

Very cool to knit in public!

The whole Russia trip ... in words and pictures, it is overwhelming indeed.

Glad you saw St Petersburg and that it reminded you of Paris. It is like a big dream of mine to go there ... one day.

And it was awesome to see the Maytrioshka dolls painted.

Going on a cruise is really fun. And you get to meet so many good people and make memories for the rest of your days on the earth.

Desire Fourie said...

Hello Miekie so bly jy en Jan is veilig terug and as ek so tussen die lyne lees, het julle 'n fantastiese ervaring gehad. Alles lyk so rustig veral jul vakansiewoonstel op water. Kan nie wag om nog fotos te sien nie. Oos Wes Tuis Bes geniet SA weer.
Mooi bly.

Dorette said...

Net so bly julle is terug! Het ons lekker lang telefoongeselsies gemis :-)

Is bly die vakansie was heerlik. Is seker Kleintjie sal die spesiale Rusland kombersie baie geniet!

Lief vir julle

Thea said...

Kan nie glo julle vakansie is alweer verby nie en baie welkom terug!! Dit klink of julle 'n fantastiese tydjie gehad het. Ek sien ook baie om die res van die foto's te sien en te hoor wat julle nog alles gedoen het.

Paula said...

Welkom terug! Fotos lyk pragtig!

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Desia
Dit was baie lekker ja! Ons het met Air France gevlieg... was bly ons het nie in die see geval nie! Hulle sekuriteit was ongelooflik streng. Een van die medepassasiers se buisie tandepasta was 125ml en toe konfiskeer hulle dit net daar in Parys.

Hi Muriel
Dankie vir jou dankie! Ons het die toer so vreeslik baie geniet en is dankbaar as ander dit saam met ons kan geniet.

Hi Sandra
Ek het gehoop ek sou soos julle dag vir dag kon blog, maar ek kon nie, en nou is alles op 'n hoop. Maar wat dit was 'n fees!

Hi Thelwyn
Dis jammer van die plaas! Weet nie of ek moet bly wees of jammer wees dat ons nie hier was met die groot brand nie... dankie vir die oppas!

Dear Adelaide
I hope you get to go to Russia one day - if you do, start in St Petersburg and end in Moscow - not the other way around.

Hi Desire
Dis waar - die oos wes ding, maar my voete jeuk al klaar weer!

Hi Dorette
As Kleintjie nie 'n dogtertjie is nie, sal julle ons maar op 'n ander trip moet stuur, sodat ek elders 'n blou kombersie kan brei!

Hi Thea
Ja, een oomblik tel 'n mens nog die slapies en dan's dit alweer verby. Tyd word (gelukkig) nie vinniger of stadiger nie. Ek geniet elke dag, maar hou daarvan as daar iets spesiaals is om na uit te sien. Ek wens ek was so oulik met die fotos en videotjies soos jy.

Hi Paula
Goed om van jou te hoor. Die fotos is maar mik en druk snappies - van al my goeie bedoelinge om die kamera beter te verstaan en te weet van beligting en dinge en om die fotos op moviemaker te sit het ongelukkig tot dusver niks gekom nie.

Charmaine said...

Hi Jan en Miekie, ek het nou baie lekker saam met julle getoer. Dit lyk wondelrik en rustig. Mens kan nerens gaan as jy op die boot is nie, so die sit en brei en kuier en sonsondergang geniet is idilies. Hoop die plaas is ok? Brande kan soveel skade doen, maar dis ook goed vir die veld en ek hoop laasgenoemde is waar in julle geval.

Nimsi se Blog said...

Hallo en baie welkom terug Jan en Miekie. Ek kan nie wag vir die volgende aflewering van julle reis nie.
Jammer om te verneem van die brand op julle plaas en ek vertrou die skade is minimaal.

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Charmaine en Nimsi
Die brand was nogal woes - al die weiding, behalwe die in die vlei waar die perde nie in die somer mag loop nie, agv perdesiekte gevaar, het ongelukkig afgebrand, asook die meeste van die weiding op my sus-hulle se plaas langsaan en ook die bure langs hulle s'n. Maar ons vertrou die Here sal gou reen stuur en dan sal alles hopelik gou weer groei. Gelukkig het die diere (en mense!) niks oorgekom nie. Die huise was ook nie in gevaar nie, maar hulle het wel rondom natgespuit vir ingeval. So iets sal ook net gebeur as 'n mens weg is ne? Dankie tog vir ons kinders!
Die gemeenskap hier het baie gehelp met die brand, maar die wind het dit onmoontlik gemaak om te keer - dit het op die buurplaas wes begin - nugter weet hoe, want daar bly niemand op die oomblik nie. Die brandpaaie wat ons ten duurste in die herfs laat skraap het, het ook niks gehelp nie.

Kelly said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip! Loved the photos :).

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Kelly
Yep, it was FANTASTIC! Can't believe our last night was already almost a week ago!

retha said...

Brand? Hope the fire did not destroy too much, but rather helped with clearing the veld.

Can see it was a pleasant trip. Waiting to read more of it.

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Retha
There is a lot of tamboekie grass in the pastures which the horses don't eat, but hopefully they will eat it when it is green, so "een geluk by die ongeluk".