This blog is one year old! My aim was to get it published through Blubber and I will do so when I have a little extra time. So much has happened since my last post: a reunion with varsity friends and Martin's wedding and the babies' first steps and our dogs and and and....! But tomorrow we're off for two weeks to "Rusland" where we are going to "rus" (rest). VERY EXCITED!! We have finished packing, and the weight seems OK, but we cannot get ourselves to lock the cases and gladwrap them! I still need to check Tammy's worksheets. I have made a lot, but am not so sure she'll manage without me, and I so want her to work independently these two weeks.
I want to end the first year of blogging with this piece of wonderful news - as the L's conveyed it to us:
Guess who is going to be an "Ouboet" (Big brother) next year!! Great expectations! Thank you God!
Keep well, we'll be back with lots of news of one these days!
1 year ago
Congrats Ouboet
Hope the trip is even more fantastic and restful than you anticipates!
Thanks Retha!
Got to go and shower now! I see you stayed up quite late last night. Hope you're not too tired now!
Geniet die ruskansie Jan en Miekie en baie geluk Ouboet Franco.
Dit is inderdaad goeie nuus.... baie geluk ouboet Franco. Hy is so pragtig groot. Julle moet die ruskans geniet en baie fotos neem en laat weet. Bly die stilte was alles oor goeie dinge.
Stem saam Charmaine -- was ook al bekommerd oor die geen nuus nie, maar ons is saam dankbaar oor die nuwe mensie op pad -- altyd 'n wonderwerk!!
En 'n HEERLIKE en veilige reis toegebid, Jan&Miekie.
Wonderlike nuus!
Jy en Jan moet julle reis ook geniet en ek sien uit om van alles te hoor en die foto's te sien!!
Lekker om weer van jou te hoor Miekie. Hoop julle geniet die vakansie en kom terug met hope foto's en stories!!!
Franco, sy mamma en pappa, geluk met die nuwe kleinding wat oppad is!
Congratulations! That's wonderful news :). Hope you have a terrific vacation!
Bon Voyage Miekie en Jan. Julle met Rusland geniet ... eks seker julle gaan nie eintlik kans he vir rus nie. Baie geluk met die vreugdevolle nuus.
Mooi bly
Baie geluk met die goeie nuus.
Geniet die ruskansie!
Baie geluk met die nuwe kleinding! Julle moet julle "rus" sommer baie geniet en ons sien uit na al die stories en fotos!
such a cute T-shirt that. :)
Hi Everyone!
Thanks for all the comments - much appreciated. Dorette reads this blog and will find all your good wishes! Trip to Russia was FANTASTIC!
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