Retha asked whether I still have contact with the Johnsons.
Yes, I am very privileged to have had contact with them through these 40 years. My brother visited them the year after I left and he was treated like a king by them. A few years later, my parents visited them - and my mother came home with lovely salad recipes that we still make. Thelwyn took part in karate world championships in the U.S. and she and a friend flew across the U.S. to visit them. They had a great time. Jan visited them a year later - a detour after a business trip in Atlanta.
I had always dreamed of visiting again, but Jan and I only managed to visit them again in 2005. We had a splendid time. Ellen took us to Yellowstone National Park where Anne worked at the time. (She has since retired.) We had also gone there when I in my A.F.S. year. It's an unreal place and not to be missed. When I was in primary school we once watched a movie about Yellowstone and cowboys and afterwards my friends and I played cowboys and dreamed about Yellowstone - Actually being there - of all the wonderful places in the U.S. - was a dream come true!
Reesie organised a reunion in the Conrad mansion and it was a great afternoon with lots of "Do you remember" and "What happened to so and so.." The Conrad mansion was the residence of the founder of Kalispell and built in 1895. It is a beautiful Victorian House and right across the Johnson residence.
Mother, Anne, Reesie, Dad, Me, Ellen and Jan on the front porch of the Johnson residence - an old brick house with a flatroof - unusual for Montana.
Steve Sutherland who had taught me to snowski in my A.F.S. year took us river rafting in the Glacier National Park and Ellen, Jan and I hiked on Big Mountain - we went up with the ski lift and hiked down. It was early spring and there was still snow on the mountain, but Ellen marched right through it while Jan and I slip slided behind her.... I had forgotten how tricky it is to walk on icy snow. (It had been one of the hardest things for me to learn in my AFS year: how to walk on ice to school and balance a stack of books and files on an open arm. There is something to be said for our school cases!)
Dad died in 2006 and we were so glad that we were able to visit him, before his death. Mother is now 90. We were there for her 86th birthday and that was special for us too.
All the Johnsons have been here on different occassions to visit. Ellen came in 1977. She was single then. Jan and I were married but still childless. We camped in two tiny tents in the Kruger Park and there were lions just outside the 4 foot high Marula camp that night! Anne and Reesie came in 1984 - right in the school holidays. We couldn't get rondawel space in any of the Kruger Park camps, so we bought a caravan.. a tiny little heavy Jurgen "Centurion tank". (Our name for the model.) I don't think they slept too comfortably! (Sorry about that!) Mother and Dad came in 1985 and spoilt us rotten. Ellen and husband Dan and their lovely sons came in 2007. It was soooo good to see them. They are part of the reason why this blog is in English and not in Afrikaans.
All the Johnsons have been so good to us through the years and we can never thank them enough.
1 year ago
Dearest Mieke and Jan
We all treasure our the time we we have spent with you. As I recall, you got up on water skis the first time your tried! I was amazed that you had the stamina to do it after your long plane ride.
Yours is a wonderful family and we are feel blest to have had the opportunity to have you in our family and call you sister.
love Ellen
Wow, Miekie, watter seën was julle vir mekaar gewees deur die jare -- dis 'n pragverhaaltjie!
It is always good to hear of people knowing others over such a time!
Thank you for sharing this with me.(us)
Miekie dit is n pragtige verhaal. Ekself het n vriendin van 30jaar - en dit is waarlik iets kosbaar.
Die Johnsons is definitief familie. Julle is baie bevoorreg om sulke gawe en vrygewige mense in jule lewens te he.
Mooi bly.
Eintlik is die wereld maar klein ne - dat mens so oor die afstand steeds 'n kosbare vriendskap kan he en hou.
Hi Ellen
It was so good to talk to you the other day. Your memory fails you - I took forever to get up on skis - only after some really strong boat (it was a red one) pulled me up, did I manage with other boats as well.
Love you all
Hi Mariki
Ja jong, dit was en is 'n groot seen.
Hi Retha
It is wonderful how God can bring people together other such a distance and over such a long time. The motto of AFS is "Walk together, talk together all ye people of the earth, then and only then shall ye have peacec.
Hi Nimsi
Troetel jou vriendskap met jou vriendin. My skoonsus (Jan se stiefsus) is my maatjie van Graad 1 af! (Wie het toe ooit gedink ons sou familie word!)
Hi Desire
Ons is voorwaar bevoorreg - hulle is besonder vrygewig.
Hi Sandra
Ja, die wereld is eintlik maar klein en tegnologie maak dit nog kleiner. Dis net toe ons gaan kuier het, wat ons agtergekom het, hoe ver dit nou eintlik is: Vlug na Calgary (via London en Vancouver) omtrent 20 uur en dan nog 'n 5 uur trippie in die motor van Calgary na Kalispell! Dis VER!
Jy het hirdie ervaring van jou so mooi neergeskryf Miekie. Ek het gedink hoe goed dit sal wees as jy 'n boek skryf daaroor... maar ons blogs is eintlik maar boeke... is dit nie?
Hi Charmaine
Ek het uitgevind hoe om die blog in 'n hardeband boek te omskep. As ek klaar is met die volgende inskrywing oor martelize se verjaarsdag gaan ek dit probeer en as dit slaag, sal ek vir julle laat weet - my blog is nou 'n jaar oud, so ek wil dit graag ter wille van die kinders laat druk. Dan hoef ek nooit te lol met fotoalbums nie, want my blog is mos maar my fotoalbum.
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