We are a very happily married couple brought together by Lord Jesus more than 34 years ago. Throughout our lives we have experienced His continuous love and guidance. We have been blessed with three wonderful children, two sons in law and three grandchildren! Jan is a government official at the National Treasury and Miekie home schools a very special child.
This journal is a record the future. But it is also my way of telling friends what’s happening in our lives – the way I would if we were visiting or if I wrote you a letter.So often people say that they enjoy the blog – but I do not even know that they read it.Won’t you please do me a favour and chat back by leaving a comment so that I at least know that you have visited: click on comments at the bottom of each post and then on sign up beneath the comment box, (they’ll ask for your e-mail address – any address will do) or if you have a Google account, just enter your I.D. and password. And then type your comment. Please…. Thanks for the trouble, but otherwise it is like drinking tea alone!
Hello Oupa en Ouma! Ek's wakker en ek het die koord ontdek....! We looked after Martelize this weekend, while Frans, Thelwyn and Hendrik went off to an endurance ride. (Hendrik was the only one who rode this time. He rode Pula and both horse and rider did very well!) Kyk hoe mooi kan ek by die trappies afklim. Ouma se kas is 'n lekker speelplek.... ek kan al die groot laaie oopmaak, maar dis 'n goeie ding ek kan nog nie soos Franco skroefdeksels afdraai nie, anders was Ouma in die moeilikheid. Haar kalsiumpille is 'n lekker ratel vir nou. Kyk hoe mooi lyk ek nadat Ouma my aangetrek en my hare gekam het. Ek kan die proppie op my "No more tangles" bottel pas. Ek's mal oor bakkies en potte met deksels. As jy mooi kyk sal jy my nuwe tande sien. Ek is 14 maande oud en het nou twee tandjies... en 'n paar ander wat pla! Ek hou daarvan om aan 'n appel te "kou" - kan nog nie stukkies afhap nie! Like mother like daughter... Thelwyn was nearly 15 months before she cut her first tooth! Ouma het na badtyd my hare drooggeblaas en 'n ander haarstyl probeer. Sy speel so lekker met my hare. A hairclip also does the trick. Martelize never tries to take these hair things out of her hair, but apparently the other babies at her creche do! Guess who threw tupperware on the floor and who loves playing with the vacuum cleaner! Slaaptyd! This weekend was really busy. On Friday we had supper at Dorette's with two of Jan's sisters. Franco and Martelize were so cute, but I was so busy that there wasn't time for photos. I hope to get a new one of the two together soon, but with both of them running around, it is not so easy!
Oe ek kan sommer sien Ouma het haarself gate uit geniet met die klein poplap daar!
Ek kon my net altyd nog voorstel hoe dit moet voel om Ouma te wees en heel onverwags het die skattigste ou dogtertjie (amper 2) deel geword van ons lewens ook en ek geniet haar VERSKRIKLIK. Bederf haar al klaar die afgrond in!
Hi Sandvlooie Hulle raak by die dag ouliker en ons geniet hulle so!
Hi Retha Thanks for the congratulations - the success alleviated the upset over the veldfire a bit. They took three horses to a friend's farm today - but there will be no stabling for the next few months for those three, but at least they will have plenty of grazing.
Hi Nimsi Hulle is 'n seening van bo voorwaar. Dorette voel al "Kleinding" se beweginkies... nog 'n seening oppad. Dankie, dankie, dankie!
Hi Mariki Ha, ha...! Jy weet net nie hoeveel word daardie ou sagte magie opgeeet nie! En dan kraai sy van die lag.
Hi Thea Ek hoop jy wys binnekort hoe jou klein skattebol lyk! Geniet die kleinding. Soos Nimsi se, hulle is regtig seeninge!
Ek kan sien ouma speel lekker pop :-). Sy's pragtig en julle moet haar en Franco geniet.
Hi Sandra
Heeltemal reg - Ouma speel baie lekker pop!
Ag dit lyk of julle mekaar baie geniet. Hulle word nou net te gou groot. maar hulle gaan nou net ouliker raak.
Geniet die klien goed.
Congratulations to Pula and the "rider"
Such a privilege to have Ouma who wants to do new styles!
Sy is regtig pragtig Miekie. Julle is so geseend met die oulike kleingoed.
Oe toggie -- as sy myne was, kon daar nie meer foto's gewys word nie, want sy was al laaankal oppevreet-hewees...
Hou van die sy-paadjie styl, Ouma hairdrêsser.
Oe ek kan sommer sien Ouma het haarself gate uit geniet met die klein poplap daar!
Ek kon my net altyd nog voorstel hoe dit moet voel om Ouma te wees en heel onverwags het die skattigste ou dogtertjie (amper 2) deel geword van ons lewens ook en ek geniet haar VERSKRIKLIK. Bederf haar al klaar die afgrond in!
Ai Miekie sy is regtig 'n ou poppie. Mens kan haar dooddruk!! En sy lyk so gelukkig en geborge. Groete vir jou en joune.
She looks precious--both before and after the hair styling!
Hi Sandvlooie
Hulle raak by die dag ouliker en ons geniet hulle so!
Hi Retha
Thanks for the congratulations - the success alleviated the upset over the veldfire a bit. They took three horses to a friend's farm today - but there will be no stabling for the next few months for those three, but at least they will have plenty of grazing.
Hi Nimsi
Hulle is 'n seening van bo voorwaar. Dorette voel al "Kleinding" se beweginkies... nog 'n seening oppad. Dankie, dankie, dankie!
Hi Mariki
Ha, ha...! Jy weet net nie hoeveel word daardie ou sagte magie opgeeet nie! En dan kraai sy van die lag.
Hi Thea
Ek hoop jy wys binnekort hoe jou klein skattebol lyk! Geniet die kleinding. Soos Nimsi se, hulle is regtig seeninge!
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