Monday, November 1, 2010

Universiteitsoord’s birthday and My list of Songs

This year my childhood and young adulthood congregation, Universiteitsoord, celebrates  it’s 50th year.  Last Sunday was the one of the many celebration Sundays.  Ds. Madder Steyn preached – he was one of the student preachers while I was at university.  He preached about Phillipians 4:4 and that is when I remembered that there actually is a spiritual song starting with F in Afrikaans! 

People who were at the corner stone unveiling 45 years ago, were invited to light a candle. (Soon invited anyone who wanted to, was invited to light a candle – sadly the church was not nearly as full as I remembered it!)

I was deeply moved when I lit a candle, remembering how much the church had meant to me in my growing years and what wonderful times we had there.  I went to “kinderkrans” (a get together organisation for primary school children) in the big old house that was later demolished to make space for the church which was built there in the sixties.  Our catechism class was the second group to be confirmed in the new church and we had our first communion there.  Scan_Pic0033

This picture of Universiteitsoord was taken circa 1967 – trees and plants have since grown high!

While we were dating, Jan and I  went to church there: the church was always packed to capacity in the evenings – about 2000! (And during exam time, it was fuller than full!) After three years we were married there.  The reception was in the church hall. Many songs, like Psalm 18 and the “Aandlied” (Aan U o God my dankgesange) ,  specifically remind me of that time and these songs are included in my list below. 

After the celebration service, it was wonderful to talk to our previous (all old and retired now) ministers and their wives: Ds Kobus Potgieter and his wife Mercia, Ds Andrie du Toit, Ds Dirk Oosthuizen and Tannie Linda.  My father was an active “ouderling” (elder) and all the ministers remembered him well and therefore us too! 

My father always made notes of all the sermons he listened to. After more than a hundred sermons, he analysed them, finding that the church preached far too little about love.  He wrote to the “Kerkbode” and spoke on the radio about it and the situation has since changed.  Long after my father’s death, Ds. Madder wrote in his biography “Prof. Dirk, ons het jou soort so nodig vandag!” (Prof. Dirk we need your type urgently today!)

A while ago I wrote about how I play the ABC game to count lengths as I swim.  This is my list of songs: More than one song for each letter, just in case!  I am not 100 %  sure of the words of all the songs (how sad is that!), but I know most and am inspired to learn all of them well.

A Aan U o God my dankgesange (562)
Alle volke klap jul hande (547)
B Besing die Lof van Jesus saam (215)
Bring lof aan die Vader (205)
C Christ the Lord is risen today
D **Dank Vader dank vir die genade (562 :3)
Diep, o God, diep neergeboë (232)
E Eer aan die Vader wat alles gemaak het.
**Ek het U hartlik lief, o Heer!  (Psalm 18)
F Fillipense 4 vers 4 sê verbly jou in die Heer
Father we adore you.
G ”God is liefde!”juig ons harte (334)
Gees van God wat in my woon (442)
H **Heil’ge Jesus wat my lewe (271)
Heilig, Heilig, Heilig
I In die stad van Koning Dawid
Is dit, is dit my koning?
J Juig al wat leef  (Psalm 100)
Jubel o nasies dis die koning wat aankom.
K Jesus neem die kleine kinders (293)
Kom dank nou almal God. ( 188)
L Laat ons sing van ons Verlosser (219)
Lei U ons, lig (511)
M My enigste troos (292)
Majesteit (175)
N Neem my lewe, laat dit, Heer (308)
Nader my God, by U (512)
O Ons Vader wat woon in die hemel (266)
Op Berge en in dale
P Praat ek mense, eng’le tale (530)
Prys die Heer met blye galme (Psalm 146)
Q (V) Voel jy soms of die Here te ver is 518
’n Vaste Burg is onse God (476)
R **Here, Redder, groot en magtig (280)
Ek roem U naam, ek wil graag sing.  (Groen boekie 9) 
S Soek allereers die koninkryk van God (471)
Soek in God jou sterkte, kry by Hom jou krag (513)
T Twee ogies om Gods werk te sien.
Loof Hom met die tromme.
To God be the glory


The songs marked with red, are the ones I “sang” this morning while training– some were not even on my list, or a favourite, but they’re the ones that came to my mind… I guess God wanted me to sing them!  My favourites are masked with asterisks – and I did not even sing my favourite, favourite  “Here, Redder, groot en magtig” (Guide my, O my great Redeemer)! 

Do you have favourites?  Would love to know what they are!


Charmaine said...

Amazing inskrywining Miekie. En wonderlike liedere wat mens van alles wat mens se voete en hart bind laat losbreuk en uitstyg.

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Charmaine
Sing bly 'n wonderlike manier om met God te kommunikeer.

Desire Fourie said...

Wat 'n inspirerende inskrywing ... gevul met nostalgie, liefde en geluk.
Mooi bly.

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Desire
Ek leef al hoe meer in die verlede - hunker nie daarna nie, maar dis lekker om te onthou!

retha said...

Jy het my inspireer om die liede van lank gelede en meer onlangs te onthou voor ek dit heel temal vergeet.

retha said...

Agtergeblevenes, is die beste wat ek nou kan se.

Thea said...

Julle het voorwaar baie spesiale herinneringe van Universiteitsoord Miekie!

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Happy birthday Universiteitsoord!

And I have never thought to try and think of a favorite song for each letter of the alphabet. Hmm. I'll be thinking about that one...

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Retha
My ma - en baie ander ou mense- kon later nie meer lees nie, en sy het net die liedere wat sy as kind geleer het, goed genoeg geken om saam te kon sing. Ek dink 'n mens is dit aan jouself verskuldig om jou innerlike liedere skat uit te brei terwyl jy nog kan.

Hi Thea
Ja, ons het inderdaad baie goeie herhinneringe! Ken jy Universiteitsoord?

Hi Arnold Mommy
Playing the A.B.C. game is my way of counting lengths while I'm swimming and the A.B.C. songs are great fun.

Mrs White said...

Hallo Miekie! (dalk tannie Miekie vir my?)
Wat 'n klein wereld! Ek woon tans in Utrecht, in Nederland, en vanaf verlede week speel ons kerktoring elke uur die lied "Here Redder, groot en magtig". Ek was besig om na die lirieke van hierdie lied te soek sodat ek elke uur 'n ander versie kan saamsing, en toe loop ek julle webwerf raak. Baie inspirend! Die beste van alles, ek is steeds lidmaat van NG Universiteitsoord (het nog nooit my lidmaatskap gekanselleer nie, al woon ek nou 5 jaar al oorsee) en my ouers woon steeds die dienste op Sondae daar by. Klein klein wereld!
Elkgeval, miskien ontmoet ons eendag in lewende lywe, maar tot dan, "bedankt voor een hele fijne online ontmoeting"!
Vriendelike groete,
Germari de Villiers