Monday, October 25, 2010

Jurielle and Abia’s birthday party.

My sister Lalie’s granddaughters differ 13 months, so they had a combined 1st and 2nd party.  It was great fun!DSC07531

Oupa with the two birthday girls: Abia and Urielle



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Thanks for a great party, Nelia and Jopie! 


Paula said...

Happy birthday to Jurielle and Abia. My God bless them!

retha said...

How great to have so many cousins, 2nd cousins at a similar age. Hope they do not live too far and all are able to spend lots of time together.

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Paula
Thanks - will pass on congratulations.

Hi Retha
Yep, it's a great blessing - the 2nd cousins live in Pretoria, but with moms working, the little ones only see one another at events like birthdays, consecrations and Christmas, Fortunately there are quite a few of those, so they are starting to get to know one another well enough. Dorette is worried about Franco - where will he fit in among all the little girls?

mariki said...

Sê maar vir Dorette dis die minste van 'n bekommernis -- so 'n nefie kan net koningkraai tussen al die blommertjies!

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Mariki
Ons bid maar dat die kosbare vriendskap tussen die kindertjies vir altyd sal hou.

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

That's how a few of my kids are. 2 of my girls are 11 months apart so we usually celebrate their birthdays together. I also have a daughter and a son that are 13 months apart. We'll see how we celebrate those(since he was just born...).

I love the pictures!! Thanks for sharing them!

Thea said...

Ek hoop ek gaan ook oor so 'n paar jaar vorentoe kan spog met sulke pragtige kleinkinders! Nie een van ons vriendekring of familie het 'n baba of eers een op pad nie! Ek sal maar geduldig moet wag. :-)

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Arnold Mommy
You must have your hands full! My one good friend had 5 children in 4 years - nr 4 was twins! She took in her stride and was (is) a wonderful mom. My sister also had 3 in 3 years and then 6 later twin boys. I wanted my children closer together (they differ 23 months and 20 months), but God knew better! Thank you God!

Hi Thea
Die lewe gebeur mos maar in fases -nou's julle by 50's en 21ste partytjies en julle vrinne se kinders se troues - ook 'n lekker tyd. Dit voel soos gister wat my kinders 21 geword het, en nou is dit al 10 jaar gelede! Tyd vlieg! Ons is nou al ouerloos en dus die "oumense" en die kinders is die "grootmense" en die kleintjies is die "kinders". Hoop julle is nog net die grootmense.