Jan has been suffering from anaemia for months. Iron pills have not helped, but recent tests show that the iron shots he's had in December have actually helped. (He has also been taking cayenne pepper capsules to stop bleeding. Are they the reason the iron is absorbed all of a sudden?) Anyway, we are really grateful that he does not have to go for drips in the hospital as was envisaged last year. However, he has to go for another round of shots. Ouch!
He has had quite a lot of physical activity this week. Hendrik has to move to another room in his commune and all his furniture has to come home. So Jan has been helping him every evening to load a cupboard/ a bed/ a table/ onto the bakkie. On top of this, our washing machine packed up and it had to be hauled out of the laundry, down three stairs and onto the bakkie and after it had been fixed, the processed had to be reversed again!
Today Jan helped with a community project to get rid of the "pom-pom" weed, growing next to the road. It was a massive job and not so funny in this heat! (Guess who did not want to use sunblock and guess who now has a red neck and face!) After returning at about 15:00 he started to water the garden and then he put up a shelve in the laundry. I'll keep him! Thank you Jesus for such a husband!
A tired Jan in front of my shelve. (10 guesses which rugby team we support...!)
I was also quite physically active this week. On Thursday I swam 86 x 20 m (1.7 km or a little more than a mile) in the gym pool. I have trained only once since swimming my 5th Midmar in 2007. (I did not train at all last year due to my mother. At least that was my excuse, I guess I could have made a plan to train and swim the Midmar if I had really wanted to! ) But now, I'd really like to swim it again, because I'm afraid that if I do not do it this year, I may never do it again. On Thursday I just wanted to see if I could still swim a mile and I managed reasonably well. I got a stitch in my side after 400 m, but it passed and the rest was not too bad. However, when I got out, I was too exhausted to shower - it took all my effort just to get dressed!
On Friday Tamerin and I did ten minute sessions on the cycles and on the rowing machines. When we lay on the mats to do abs exercises, I felt the beginning of a muscle spasm and my knees hurt a bit. Now I am afraid: did I hurt myself by swimming a mile without any recent training? Should I train again in the next three weeks or should I just spare myself and hope for the best? How much can anyone train in just three weeks anyway?
I fetched Franco and took him home on Friday. Unfortunately I left my camera in the car, so now there are no photos of Franco this week! I'm sorry I was too lazy to go and fetch it, because he looked so cute in his red jumpsuit. He has 4 teeth now! He says "words" that he did not say a week ago. Then it was only baby sounds, but now he says over and over "ky da" (At least that's what it sounds like to me! (Not pappa/ mamma/ ouma!) He is 8 months and three weeks. Will try to take a video clip next time I see him.
The H's went to a endurance ride this morning - not to ride but to be time keepers. They were pretty tired when they arrived here, but Martelize was full of beans. She tried her level best to crawl: she can pull her knees up under her bum, but her arms do not co-operate yet. Her favourite toy is now a soft ball and she was very interested in the texture of the upholstery. She is 5 1/2 months old.
Martelize and her ball.
You've certainly had busy week! I hope you and your family have a great Lord's Day.
Klink vir my ook baie besig en jou kleinkinders word ouliker by die dag. Ek sal niks se oor die span wat julle ondersteun nie :-). Lekker week!
Ek dink ook Ma moet maar vir Pa hou! 'n Beter Pa kon Ma nie uitgesoek het vir ons kinders nie. :-)
Ons is saam met julle bly oor die ysterinspuitings wat help! Bid dat dit net nog beter sal word.
Sterkte terug by die werk!
Sjoe Miekie maar jy het ver geswem, miskien moet jy dit eerder stadiger vat in die begin!! he he
Sterkte met die swemmery!
Ag jou kleinkindertjies is te cute, hulle word ook by die dag groter en ouliker!
Dis lekker om mans te hê wat altyd vir ons dingetjies in en om die huis doen! Ek love my Teddy too bits! En ja, ons is baie geseënd. Ek sê elke dag dankie!
Sterkte met jou liefie se inspuitings en ystertekort!
Lekker week!
It is the wanderful and the veido
Fluks is nie die woord om die pragtige kleine goeters se oupa te beskryf nie -- en die ouma swem haarself ook sommer kaduks. Stadig, mense...
Mag die ysterbehandeling regtig werk.
Hi Kelly, Sandra, Dorette, Muriel, Tamerin and Mariki,
It is a big of a madhouse here. Thanks for visiting! It is HOT and HUMID and I cannot really concentrate on anything. I have enrolled for the Midmar Mile, so there is no turning back now. We'll be staying with Tannie Babs the night before the race and hopefully stay 2 nights in the Drakensberg Mountains! Jan is getting iron shots on Friday. Thanks for your prayers.
Ek is so jaloers op jou pragtige twee kleingoed. Wat 'n wonderlike vreugde om so deel van die kleinkinders se lewe te wees. Weet jy hoeveel keer ek met my span Voortrekkerdogtertjies op kamp Reynard gekamp het? Jinne, goeie herhinneringe...
Sjoe! Die pos laat my sommer baie sleg voel dat ek so onfiks is en niks daaraan doen nie...wie en wat kan ek blameer?! Die weer, ouderdom, siekte, tyd,kinders, man, werk... nee, net my eie luiheid, ongelukkig!
Ek het na jou tuisonderrig blog gaan kyk, wat 'n voorreg vir Tamerin om so 'n toegewyde onnie te he.
Hi Charmaine
Om te dink julle het net hier langsaam gekamp! Klein wereld ne! Dalk het ek jou nog ontmoet?! Ongelukkig is die fasiliteite by die vlei heeltemal weg - eers is die toilet ens gesteel en stelselmatig het die riete die spruit weer oorgeneem. Dis hartseer, maar Kamp Reynard self is pragtig met 'n nuwe stoep wat met muskietgaas toegemaak kan word en natuurlik is die koppie is nog die koppie - daar is nou net 'n gedenkplaat vir my ma opgerig ter herdenking van haar 90ste verjaarsdag, toe sy nog tot bo geklim het. (Ek was die bewegende boom waaraan sy geklou het - baie spesiale tye!)
Hi Desia
Ek is eintlik glad nie so fluks (of fiks) nie - eerder 'n bietjie domastrant. Ek dink ek probeer bewys ek het iets van my ma se van Helsdingesgeit in my. Sy was op 66 die uithouritkampioen van Fauresmith en soos jy hier bo sien het sy op 90 nog koppie geklim! Ek is nie naastenby so fiks soos sy nie, maar ek probeer maar my ding doen. Dis gaaf van jou om op my homeschool blog in te loer. Ek is eerder die bevoorregte een. Tammy is werklik 'n besonderse kind.
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