Friday, December 3, 2010

Franco’s long awaited gift!

Gert and Dorette had a special climbing frame made for Franco.  They researched various climbing frames and in the end designed their own and had it custom made.  Of course they also asked my input.  (They did not dare not too! : –)  This preschool teacher is a very firm believer in lots of gross motor activities.  In my concert days, a climbing frame on the stage was part of it and I’m so proud that Inkululeko still does it!  I want to go and show Inkululeko’s DVD’s to my grandchildren’s schools to inspire them to do a bit more…)

Anyway, the end result is a great frame and the company that has made it, has now added it to their collection and it is their flagship frame!  There are various ways to get to the top: a ladder, a rope ladder,a fireman’s steel pole and a steep incline with a rope.  They can add a hanging knotted rope next to the steel pole later…. (Sorry, I get carried away again!) 

At the top there is a shaded platform and a swinging bridge.  There is also much scope for strengthening the shoulder girdle: a trapeze, gym rings and monkey bars (a horizontal ladder) to swing from bar to bar.

Franco loves his gym and Janita likes the swing.  The pics will describe his glee better than I can:

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Look who can hang from his arms!

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But it’s a good thing Dad is there when those little hands start to slip!

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There is more than one way to get to the top.  Franco on his way to the hanging bridge.

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Almost there!

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Nog net oorklim dan’s ek op die hangbrug!

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Made it across the bridge!


Down the pipe! 

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Time to check out the new swing!

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Janita’s turn to try out the swing.

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A safe swing for Janita!

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Afterwards Franco helped his dad cook supper  in the kitchen.

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Meanwhile Janita  (just turned 8 months)  insisted on walking.  (She crawls everywhere and walks along the furniture or when you hold both her hands.  Eager Beaver!)

And where are the pictures of the swimming?  Sorry, didn’t take any – was too busy enjoying myself in the water! 

Ek kom weer kuier hoor!


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Oh that looks like so much fun! And what cute little ones. I bet they get covered in kisses.

Sandra said...

Dis sommer 'n lekker klimraai daardie. Klein Janita word darem ook vinnig groot. Geniet hulle!

retha said...

Altyd te oulik as die kleingoed kook!
So n lekker tyd van die jaar om n klimraam te kry.

Paula said...

Dit lyk nou na lekker pret vir 'n klein woelwatertjie! Hy gaan nou vir pa besig hou met die klim en klouter :)

Thea said...

Presies net wat 'n klein seuntjie nodig het om hom besig te hou! En ouma moet seker heeltyd kyk ook! Goeiste, en kyk net hoe groot is Janita al! Ek stem saam met die Arnold familie, hulle word seker opgesoen!! :-)

Miekie said...

Hi Arnold Mommy
They sure do get covered in kisses!

Hi Sandra
Voel soos gister wat hulle gebore is - maar elke fase is so kosbaar en so GENIETBAAR.

Hi Retha
Is dit nie? Die weer is so SALIG! Franco is baie versigtig by die kookpotte, maar hy help al fluks.

Hi Paula
Hy is omtrent 'n woelwater en ja hy hou veral sy pa baie besig, maar Gert is wonderlik geduldig en laat hom toe om met alles te help, behalwe om op die sypaadjie gras te sny. Binne maak hy egter swembad skoon, sny gras ens.

Hi Thea
Dorette-hulle was in die kol met die raam - dit was al lank op die begroting en het hulle Franco maar gereeld parkie toe gevat. Hy klouter al lankal. Dorette vertel van 'n ma wat gister haar 4 jaar oud net by die parkie aflaai en in die kar sit en rook en na 'n ruk die toeter blaas vir die kind om terug te kom! Kan jy dit glo? Kleintjies wil hê 'n mens moet KYK. Franco-hulle is bevoorreg om geduldige ouers te hê wat tyd maak vir hulle kinders - kan ook nie anders nie want hulle is so CUTE!

Dorette said...

Dis so lekker as julle kom kuier! Oumas & Oupas is super duper spesiaal :-)

Die nuwe klimraam het nog lank nie sy aantrekkingskrag verloor nie - ons sukkel om die rabbedoe in die huis te kry.

En natuurlik - as Franco iets doen, dan wil Janita dit OOK doen. Haar Ouboet is haar hero! En F verdien sy hero-status, hy is 'n wonderlike, geduldige Ouboet (meeste van die tyd ;-)

Dankie dat julle net so lief vir ons kiddos is as wat ons is. En dat Ma nooit moeg word vir stories oor hoe oulik hulle is nie :-)

Miekie said...

Hi Dorette
Sal nooit moeg word om oor hulle te spog nie! Hulle is so dierbaar en slim en ek dink julle is baie goeie ouers. Hoop hulle kom gou oor die hoes en die ore sodad hulle weer kan swem. Moet nog videos kry van Franco wat so inspring en Janita wat so kraai van plesier.