Now the children are ... well still noisy children, but there is generally much, much better co-operation and good manners and lots more enthusiasm.
God is working there and angels abound....
Here we are all dressed up and ready to start the Easter Drama.
Pastor Joel welcomes the people, because it is already 17:15...
But where are the people? The parents in Salvokop do not really support their children. I pray that these children will one day support their children. (My mother never attended any of my ballet lessons, but I made sure that I very regularly attended my children's classes and certainly all their performances! It takes a community to raise a child, and a generation to really make a difference.)
Tannie Lalie explains what this drama is all about.
Joyful, joyful.... (The highschool girls did two beautiful dances)
"King of King and Lord of Lords... "the Junior boys await the coming of Jesus to Jerusalem with gusto.
"Jesus is coming!" (You will never guess who is sitting in the back row! What a pleasant surprise Retha!!)
The devious religious leaders scheming on how to corner Jesus.
Eat this bread, it is my body... Sabatha (with brown head cloth) was Jesus for this part. She has been part of Inkululeko since she was 3 years old and is now in Grade 7. All the other children in the picture had been in the pre-school while I was still the principal there.
Shaen, Tamerin's brother and my niece Eugenie singing Panis Angelicus. Eugenie also sang other background music and Shaen was a pillar of strength at the computer and C.D. player! Thanks Shaen! Thanks Eugenie!
The tired disciples sleeping in the Garden of Gethsemane.
(Dimakatso, the priest, was still a preschooler, alone in their house when it burned down. Later their shack burned down too. His mother was convinced they had been bewitched.)
Jesus walking down the streets with the cross bar of his cross.
A willing Jesus being nailed to the cross by zealous soldiers.
"When I survey the wondrous cross..."
Christ the Lord is risen today... Halleluja . (I coached the disciples and this dance and what a joy it was!)
Celebrate Jesus!
Joyous celebration from the stands.
Vigorous gumboot dancing, celebrating Jesus.
At least the hall is fuller now...
Jesus is alive today - this man was shot, but because he carried a Bible on his chest, he was not killed. (A skit by boys from the shelter across the street of the Community Centre.)
Thank you Jesus for being there tonight!
May you all have a very blessed Easter. Our Easter has already started on a very high note!
Big wow.
It's great to hear the real-life stories of the actors as well as the Easter Drama.
Hi Adelaide
Some of the stories are so sad, it is amazing that the children are so happy. There is such a community spirit among the children at the centre - it makes it all so worthwhile.
Ma en Tannie Lalie doen wonderlike werk in Salvokop! Hierdie jaar is Janita nog 'n bietjie klein, maar ons hoop om volgende jaar weer te kom ondersteun. Mooi bly :-)
Beautiful drama and beautiful post! May you have a blessed & joyous Easter!
When we know and see there is a better way, it is more difficult for us to see those who suffer. We forget even in their suffering they do not have the understanding we have. Thus they experience it different from us.
Although it might have seemed imperfect to those who knew what was intended for the spectator it was a success! Especially with the one squinting to read the words or the one running away with his words, makes it all the more unique.
Besides it is ALL about the 'story', there is where the anointing abides.
I still wanted to say, those palm branches were lovely!
And the unexpected hammer knocking, with the "Jesus" on the cross was entertaining.
Hi Dorette
Dankie dat julle al die jare kom ondersteun het, en ek weet julle bid vir Salvokop. As Jansie daar was, sou sy beslis die engele gesien het.
Hi Kelly
Thanks. May you too have a very blessed Easter.
Hi Retha
So dankie dat julle daar was! Ons het vroeër regte palmtakke gebruik, maar hulle steek mekaar in die oë daarmee en die gesukkel om die dorings uit te haal, is net te veel werk as die tyd min is.
Ons hoop natuurlik dat die kinders die woorde sal ken, maar die oefentyd is so min en party het eers Maandag aangeluit! So gaan dit maar.... Maar soos jy sê, dit gaan daarom of saadjies geplant word wat die Heilige Gees sal laat groei.
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