I've had this thorn in my flesh since I can remember, but it gets worse as I get older. I suffer from restless legs: an incontrollable urge to move my legs, as soon as I sit or lie down to relax. It is not really painful, but very irritating and uncomfortable. Attacks mostly occur in the evening, but I sometimes have them even early in the afternoon and they are worse when I am tired and desperately want to rest.
I have tried various remedies through the years. Long ago mild painkillers were enough and I used to drink paracetomol before we went to the movies for "just in case." Later on I started taking Rivotril - a drug for epilepsy, but it mostly just made me very sleepy. For years I slept well, but the restless legs attacks kept coming.
I started taking Pexola , a drug for Parkison's Disease, but soon had to increase the dosage - and still found that it wasn't 100% effective. I was really getting worried - how bad was it going to be in future? My grandmother and my mother also suffered from it. My mother had a particularly bad attack the morning before her death - I helped to walk for a little because movement relieves it a bit, but it returns as soon as you sit down again.
I searched the internet and found that an iron shortage is one reason. I started taking some of Jan's iron pills and immediately had a big relief, but this too did not last long. (I am thankful though that it helped me on the Russian tour and I had no restless legs - even on the aeroplane!) I searched the internet again and bought e-books. The one suggested that salt is the cause: this could be true, because I used to use a lot of salt and loved smoked, salty food like ham and bacon, not too mention biltong.
No salt was almost like a death sentence to me, but I found ways to make food palatable without lots of salt: real mayonnaise has little salt,(much less than light salad cream0, real cream cheese and some low fat cottage cheeses have low sodium content, and Black Cat peanut butter is also on the list of may-haves. Tuna is fish oil is OK, but not tuna in brine water. (Most of my food choices nowadays are low in salt, still tasty but fattening!) I find myself looking at rice cakes and corn cakes: the ones without salt have more kilojoules than the ones with salt added...! Which should I buy? I buy both kinds and resolve to eat one of each instead of two of the same packet and so hope to balance too much salt and restless legs versus getting fat! (Bread and margarine, by the ways are no-no's)
Another ebook suggested this was all nonsense - one needs salt. According to this book the cause of restless legs is a bladder that is not emptied completely. So now when restless legs start, I go to the toilet, drink extra magnesium... and then drink Pexola anyway.... but at least I am down to one Pexola a day!
Ah well... (What a boring post - but just had to get it off my chest! Maybe someone knows of a better way to deal with this thorn in the flesh?)
P.S. Another thorn - not in the flesh, but still. I found in previous posts, that the spaces I put in between paragraphs disappear when the post is published. This time I put in extra spaces, in case you wonder why the spaces are so big... or in case there are no spaces again. And does anyone know how I can change the font of my heading and blog description? One can barely read it now.
1 year ago
This is awful.
Just checking, your thyroid does not show on something out of the ordinary?
Ek het iewers op die net daarvan gelees, as ek dit weer kan opspoor sal ek laat weet, hoewel, dit het te doene gehad met te veel karbohidrate, as ek reg onthou. (Ek is nou op 'n lae-karbohidraat eet- en leefwyse, "bring on the" biltong en spek en ham!!
Ek het nie raad nie, maar as ek van enigiets hoor sal ek laat weet. Ons bid vir spoedige hulp hiermee.
Ek weet so goed waarvan jy praat want ek het dieselfde probleem. Kan nooit lank stilsit op een plek nie. Ek moet my bene gereeld beweeg. En daai ure se stilsit op 'n vliegtuig is erg - in flieks ook. Ek het op 'n stadium vir so 'n maand lank pille gedrink wat nogal gehelp het omdat dit my beter laat slaap het, maar ek kan nou nie die naam onthou nie. Dit het egter weer ander newe-effekte gehad. As ek op iets afkom wat regtig help sal ek jou laat weet.
Hi Retha
I used to think there was something wrong with my thyroid - used to be the only one in the room with a jersey/ long sleeve - but tests showed everything was normal?
Hi Desia
Nou toe nou - dit kan wel wees in my geval - ek is 'n soettant en baie lief vir my stysel! Eet deesdae nie brood of gebak nie want dit het te veel sout, maar ek het heel lief geword vir hierdie dun mieliekoekies - proe ietwat soos springmielies. Het my vanmiddag aan 'n pak lekkers vergryp - so as ek vanaand ekstra swaarkry, sal ek weet waar dit vandaan kom!
Hi Sandra
Ek weet die oplossing lê eintlik by die groot Geneser! Ek is net te bang om regtig te glo... Wie is ek nou?
Hi Thea
En ek sal jou laat weet as ek die oplossing kry: dit lê nou by ekstra yster en magnesium, nie kaffeine nie, nie koolhidrate nie, nie sout nie en genoeg slaap... en moenie vergeet om ekstra baie te gaan piepie nie!
Ai toggie, Mieks, sterkte jong! Het dit op 'n stadium ligweg gehad vir 'n paar maande en weet nou nog nie hoekom dit verdwyn het nie, maar 'n vriendin sukkel nes jy met erge simptome.
Asof daar nie genoeg hindernisse oppie pad is nie...
Hi Mariki
Dankie... ek hoop jou simptome kom nooit terug nie!
Ek ly nie self aan hierdie probleem nie, maar slaap al 15jaar langs my man met erge rustelose been sindroom...ek word sommige nagte wakker soos hy sy bene aanmekaar beweeg. Ek soek ook al vir baie jare die oplossing... sal hom van nou af verseker kort kort toilet toe stuur.
So het ons elkeen ons dingetjies, sommige erg en sommige irriterend. Dis goed jy het dit gedeel Miekie en ek bid ook sommer nou dat daar 'n oplossing sal wees. Dit moet geweldig lastig wees... soos my nimmereindigende hotflashes. :-(
Hi Nimsi
Ek sal jou dadelik laat weet as ek die oplossing het... op die oomblik wen sout nog, maar vandag gaan ek ook koolhidrate (Desia se raad) probeer uitsny - weet nie wat ek sal eet nie - seker net geblikte vis... met mayonnaise. Regte mayonnaise bevat nie veel sodium nie, maar die kilojoules!!
Hi Charmaine
Dis baie lastig ja, maar ek dink hotflushes is nog erger! My gyne het my vir 'n jaar af van HTR gehad - na 7 jaar daarvan- en die hotflushes het weer teruggekom - erg! So na 'n jaar smeek ek toe maar weer vir HTR en wat 'n verligting! Ek sal maar elke 6 maande vir 'n mammogram gaan as dit moet, maar asb tog net nie die hotflushes nie. Ek het dd jaar al wat alternatief vir hormone gebruik, maar dit het alles niks gehelp nie. En my beendigtheid het daardie jaar met 4% gedaal! Ek was nie beindruk nie. Na 'n jaar terug op hormone het die beendigtheid in my bene (legs) verbeter, maar nie my rugstring nie... ek is blykbaar nou osteopenies. Sterkte met jou probleem.
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