Dorette and Janita were at the hospital at 6:00 and I joined them a few minutes later – but we were told to wait in the reception area as the ward was not open yet. Janita was in good spirits and fortunately no one in the vicinity was eating or drinking!
Soon it was time to put on the hospital gown – can’t crawl about in that! She loved chewing my beads and even went into the theatre area with them. (The staff there thought the L’s were Catholic and that the beads were some kind of rosary…)
Janita was very upset when she woke up and threw a proper tantrum – she did not want to eat or drink, but once Dorette nursed her, she settled down for another nap and afterwards she was fine. I’m so proud of you Dorette, that you still breastfeed her a little bit - al is dit net vir ‘n trosie. Daar is darem niks soos ‘n mamma nie!
Baie bly als het goed afgeloop.
Dit is darm nie lekker as mens se kindertjies nie lekker voel nie, maar tog so lekker om hulle dan te kan troos en net daar te wees vir 'n vryfie. Glo dat alles sommer veder goed verloop het.
lekker naweek vir julle.
Lekker as mens vir 'n operasie kan wag sonder om te kommer oor wat voorle - 'n voordeel om klein te wees. Bly alles het goed afgeloop!
Hi Mariette
Dis vreeslik as 'n kleintjie siek is. Ons vertrou dit gaan nou die einde van sulke kwale wees. Franco het grommets gekry toe hy al 'n hele paar maande ouer was en dit was die einde van mangelontsteking en... sy algemene ontwikkeling het sommer met rasse skrede vooruitgegaan!
Hi Sandra
Ja dit is lekker, maar die skok na die tyd is nogal erg. Ma hoe kon jy!!
Grommets? Haha, if you are talking about what I think you are talking about, here they are called "tubes". They work to continually drain the eardrum? Royce had this done 3 years ago, and it did wonders! He didn't have an ear infection for almost 3 years.
Hope the little one is cured!
Is bly om te hoor dat alles goed afgeloop het. My oudste het ook op omtrent 9 maande grommets gekry en dit het wonders verrig. Sterkte met die kleinding!
Hi Arnold Mommy
Yep, they're the tubes you are talking about and yes, they do make a huge difference. We pray that Janita will from now on be again the healthy little girl that she has always been!
Hi Paula
Ons vertrou dat dit nou net nog beter sal gaan. Sy staan al alleen vir rukkies en sê al heelwat woordjies. Haar ouma dink sy is (soos die ander kleinkinders) die slimset op aarde!
Rosary! that is funny.
I do not have a child who had grommets, I AM the child who had grommets
O, hoe onthou ek nog die grommets-avonture, van die eerste ene tot die laaste toe -- in daai einste Pretoria. En ja, mens voel tussendeur soos 'n regte verraaier teenoor so 'n vertrouende ou mensie.
Nou gaan dit net goed gaan met hierdie slimmetjie!
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