Saturday, August 9, 2008

Introducing our grandchildren

Gert and Dorette (our 2nd daughter) have a little baby boy, born on 23 April 2008: Franco Jean Labuschagne. He is named after his grandfathers: Frans Johannes Labuschagne and Jan Andries Nicolaas Breytenbach. (The co in Franco comes from Nicolaas). They wanted to retain Gert's father's (and his brother') initials F.J., but chose a name that would not be confused with all the other Frans' in the family and also one that is more internationally recognized.

Frans and Thelwyn (our elder daughter) have a little baby girl, born 30 July 2008: Martelize Hanri Hammann. She is named after her grandmother Marie Elise (me) and her paternal grandmother Johanna Maria and deceased grandfather Heinrich.

The names were kept secret until the babies were born. We knew that Thelwyn was expecting a girl, but Gert and Dorette had chosen not to know the sex of their baby. In both cases there was this wonderful moment of surprise and we would not have had it any other way. We love the names the children have chosen.

Both babies weighed 3 kg at birth. Franco was 50 cm tall and Martelize 51 cm. According to Miekie's baby book, she weighed 6lb 12 (3. 07 Kg) and was 20" (50.5 cm) tall. So in size the babies were pretty much the same as me!

Thelwyn was born 5 days late and Martelize was also born 5 days late! Franco was born 4 days early. Franco was born exactly a month after his greatgrandmother Ethelwyn de Vos had passed away and Martelize came exactly 3 months and a week after Franco.

We adore both babies and so greatful that both families live close enough so that we can see them at least once a week! We are indeed priviledged. For Christmas Thelwyn gave us a book: "Die beste Ouma en Oupa ooit" (The best Grandma and Grandpa ever) and that is what we hope we will be (are).

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