Monday, July 27, 2009

Our new babies have arrived

A week ago, Faraoh had to be put down as he had cancer and he could no longer step on his foot. It was so sad to let him go, as he was a good dog and even while his leg was so painful, he would never stay behind while we went for a walk!
We did not want 12 year old Jakkie to be on her own, so we promptly bought "Heart stealer". She is a very special labrador puppy and we hope to breed with her in about 3 years time. We call her Jolga: all our animals who are born this year, get a name starting with a J and the Volga/ Olga is to remind us one day of OUR TRIP.

Thelwyn and Martelize were there to welcome the lively 12 week old newcomer.

A little while later the L's arrived with Franco sporting another Ouma Elna jersey.

Tannie Dorette sang "Rol op die tolletjie" and Martelize was thrilled.

"En hoekom sing jy nie meer nie?"

Franco and Martelize bathed together for the first time and had great fun.

"Ons almal klap ons handjies...!" Martelize showing us her tricks: clapping hands and twisting her tongue. (Ouma can't do that at all!)

En ek klap ook my handjies. Franco enjoyed his cousin's antics.

Splish, splash, ..... As boetie bad is alles nat....

Kyk die borrels!

A week later Jolga's friend, Joris, was 6 weeks old and we went to fetch him. (Get it? Boris - Joris. Jeltsin is a bit of a difficult name to call.) Joris comes all the way from Randfontein and his registered name is Themic.

Meeting the family. Jolga is more than twice Joris' age and at first she was a bit rough with him, but he was soon trotting after her. Grandmother Jakkie is as good as gold with the puppies - she no longer plays, but patiently tolerates their jumping up to bite her neck. The three of them sleep together - very cosy.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Responding to handwriting tag!

I don't like writing by hand - I even type my shopping lists! It's not that my handwriting is too bad, but because I usually make too many mistakes and then I have to cross out...! If I have to write anything by hand for Tamerin (other than a list of her homework in her homework diary) I write with pencil, so that I can at least rub out my mistakes.
I don't normally hold my pen correctly, and had to force myself to do it while I was still teaching pre-school. A teacher must (darem) set an example! I cannot write fast and neatly, but Jan can. He writes longhand and it is always very neat and correct! He holds his pen in the correct way - he must have had a better Grade 1 teacher than I had! (Come to think of it, in Grade 1 he was homeschooled by his aunt on the farm!)
When I started teaching, I made placards for the classroom using coins as stencils. I was very chuffed with my efforts - but they were big efforts nonetheless! Today's teachers just use the Grade 1 font!

Die Groot Trek

The L's lived in a very comfortable townhouse, but decided that it was time to move on. The had bought a lovely house with a lovely garden - much closer to Dorette's work than the townhouse. During the days preceding the trek, they had 36 hours without electricity, so they could do little packing. And then the day before, Franco had tonsillitis again... but on the 10th we all pitched up to help them move. Here are the last kitchen "gemorsies" waiting to be packed. I'm sure they left this kitchen with mixed feelings - Gert and his father had remodelled it themselves about 18 months ago... It was a HUGE job, but also a HUGE success. I hope they have before and after pics of this kitchen...and the baby room that Ouma Elna and Dorette had painted... and the garage cabinets that Gert and Oupa Lappies had installed... and the water feature in the garden ... and ... and. They had lived there for three years, and had made significant improvements.

Boxes, and more boxes....

Franco climbed onto the nursery rocking chair while no-one was looking and proudly sat there clapping his hands! (My swak hart! Hou vas kind!)

At last everything was packed and the bakkies were on their way. Here Gert and Frans are still smiling...!

The carrying of all the furniture and all the bits and pieces had begun! Jan on one of a zillion trips between horse trailer (the "van") and the house!

Franco was, despite his tonsillitis and all the upheaval, as good as gold! But with so many willing hands to pick him up, it was no wonder. He is at the stage where he needs CONSTANT supervision, what with all the new stairs and things. Here he is with his Ouma Elna, wearing one of the many jerseys she has knitted for him. (It was just before his nap - he doesn't usually walk about with his dummy, but it is such a comfort for a tired little man!)

Ouma Sarah did a great job organising the new kitchen. Jy is 'n yster Ouma Sarah!

The sitting room is beginning to look like something...

..But there is still tons of work to be done in the family room.

Oupa Lappies was glad to have an excuse to sit: someone had to hold Franco! (Franco got his name and initials from him...and his blue, blue eyes!)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Small things amuse small minds - once again

2009 will be marked by me as the year of bad purchases. I so wanted to have a colour co-ordinated mix and match wardrobe, that was not just boring navy - a colour that is very practical, but not very flattering in my opionion. I opted for purple, but what a dissapointment the clothes turned out to be: either the sleeves were too tight, (and too long) or after a wash or two the colour faded or the ribbing lost its elasticity or as in the case below, it was covered with unsightly fluff balls. I really like the jersey below: I like the colour and it fits! But after only two washes it looked like something out of my childhood years! (I didn't even think they still made such poor quality stuff!). Anyway today I grabbed a razor and voila! On the right see the "before razor" and on the left the "after razor" results. I still have a long way to go, but I just might have a wearable jersey after all! Hurrah!
So here's an old tip for fluff on jerseys: shave them off and remove the resulting loose fluff with one of those sticky stuff lint removers that one gets at Dischem.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another year has gone by... Part 2

My real birthday was spent with my cousins "Die ander de Vosse". They were (are) 9 children and get together at least once a year. This year their family reunion was at Cape Vidal - a BEAUTIFUL beach in a game park! My sister Anne and I were fortunate enough to be part of this reunion, together with another cousin and my aunt Babs - the only one left of my father's siblings.

Jan gave me a lovely crystal pendant for my birthday and then we went game viewing with my sister Anne and her children, William and Marianne.

Our first sight: A herd of African buffalo.

This one was kind enough to pose for me.

We got out of the cars for coffee and rusks at a large pan. Wally pointing out the crocodiles to Jan and Marianne fiddling with her fancy camera.

That waterbuck knew that he was being watched and he stood there like a statue for a loooong time.

The early morning reflection on the water was just as beautiful as the animals.

This darling hippo also came out for a pose...

After lunch, Jan and I headed for the beach.

A windblown birthday girl... with Thelwyn's Grade 7 Voortrekker camp shorts - my only short shorts. (Must get myself some more "short" shorts for the sea... Capri pants just don't work when strolling on the beach.)

Steyn and Dirk. Steyn and family live in Malmesbury, but he now works in Johannesburg and has to fly up to Johannesburg every week. (Second youngest Tinus lives in Cape Town, but also flies up to Johannesburg every week.) Dirk (on the right) came all the way from Salt Lake City.

At 18:00 the whole family gathered for a church service (led by Jan) and supper (provided by Anne, Anna and myself). We were 42 that first evening! What a birthday party! And its not even the big 6 yet!

Hennie and Rina. Rina was my big buddy when we were little. We and "die ander de Vosse" got together every Sunday afternoon for tea.

Wally, Marianne and Anne.

Every family gets a turn to provide supper for the clan. The first night Anne, Anna and myself provided the meal. Here Sunette, Bertus's wife, is dishing up some of our chicken and pasta dish and Anna is getting some sweet potato. Sunette is a teacher and Anna works in the school library of Gauteng.

Rina and Marianne. Rina is studying French with Thelwyn's mother in law. Small world!

Tannie Babs, Pienkie (Ione) and Anne. Pienkie was Anne's buddy. She is now married to Johan L, an attorney. She was named after her mother, Ione, who died last year. Several of the offspring are called after their grandparents, so there are several Ione's and Jacques.

Cousin Jacques's wife Olivia talking to Bertus's son, Jacques. His sister Ione got married on Friday.... for obvious reasons they gave this year's reunion a skip!

A bunch of cousins sitting on the steps of a chalet. (Sadly, I am not quite sure of their names or who belongs to which parent. Disappointed in myself!) The youngest of the new generation is Ben's daughter, Sofia. She is 3 years old - not on this photo. She is named after the first woman to become a de Vos wife in South Africa. (Thanks to my mother for all her genealogy research!) Ben and Jacques now both live and work in Belgium and the family reunions are important to them and they want their children to know their S.A. roots.)
All 6 brothers are engineers and many of their children are too. So far only Steyn and Corrie are grandparents: their son Jacques and wife Tia has a son of 7 months.

A cherry on the top, after the wonderful celebration we had with the family was the full moon on the sea.

Thank you God for family! And thank you Bertus for inviting us and for organising everything. It was GREAT! And a big thank you to all my other family and friends who phoned me or sent SMS's. You made my day very special. I cherish you all very much!

Another year has gone by... Part 1

It's July again - Another year has gone by...! I have truly been greatly blessed by an angel for a husband, a loving, supporting family, many friends, excellent health, a great job, a comfortable house etc. etc. My birthday was celebrated twice - first with our S family in Pretoria and on my real birthday with my sister and cousins at Cape Vidal.

Three beautiful cousins: Tani, Rhigardi and Corinne

Willem and Rina

Gert and Franco

Hendrik and Jan

Noella and Chris


Dorette wonders if she should try out my hula hoop.

Franco thinks it is great.

Martelize's socks matches the hoop.

"Handjies klap!" "Daarsy!"

Thank you, thank you God! Your love endures and I am humbled by it all. What am I that you should visit me? And yet you do... everyday... through the many blessings that come my way.